Tag Archives: Global/Comparative

When East Meets West

This is a syndicated post that first appeared at http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/research/advancements-in-research/fundamentals/in-depth/when-east-meets-west

By Catherine Gara

In 1969, Chinese researcher Youyou Tu was recruited to Chairman Mao’s top-secret Project 523 to help find a new drug to treat malaria. This October, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering the lifesaving drug artemisinin in extracts of Artemisia annua L., a plant known to Chinese to have medicinal properties since at least the fourth century. Her win has brought renewed attention to the dynamic relationship between Chinese and Western medicine. At Johns Hopkins, two faculty members from very different fields are exploring that relationship in their own ways: one by studying its history, the other by figuring out how one traditional Chinese medicine works.

From Plant to Pill

While Tu found inspiration in a document hundreds of years old, Jun Liu’s nudge toward Chinese medicine was more modern: a billboard. Liu, a professor of pharmacology and molecular sciences, was in China for a conference in 1993. “I walked out of my hotel, and there was this billboard advertising an extract from the thunder god vine as a novel immunosuppressant. I was already working on two immunosuppressive drugs isolated from microbes, so this piqued my interest. I went to the drugstore to buy a bottle of the extract and then read what I could find about it when I got back to my lab, then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.”

a Chinese billboard advertising thunder god vine extractThe Chinese billboard that inspired Liu to study thunder god vine extract.

Liu caught a break: Another scientist had already purified the active ingredient in thunder god vine and chemically characterized it 20 years earlier. But its mode of action was still unknown, making the compound exactly the type he likes to work on.

“We work with natural compounds that have already been purified, characterized and identified as potent against cancer or some other condition,” he explains. “Then, we figure out how they exert their biological activity.”

He says that knowing a compound’s mechanism of action facilitates its development into a good drug because compounds are often toxic or unstable, or don’t get to the organ they need to. Before tweaking a compound to try to resolve those issues, it’s best to first know which protein a compound interacts with and how. “That way, you know where you can make chemical modifications without losing biological activity,” says Liu.

thunder god vineTripterygium regelii, or thunder god vine
Credit: Qwert1234 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

For the compound extracted from thunder god vine, triptolide, that story is still ongoing. Most recently, Liu’s team published results showing that the compound halts cell growth by binding to the XPB protein, which is involved in manufacturing RNA and repairing damages to DNA. Derivatives of triptolide are already in use in the clinic, but Liu thinks there’s room for improvement. “Right now, we think of triptolide as the explosives you pack into a missile. It’s too toxic to be let loose,” he says. “So we’re engineering a ‘missile head’ for it, to direct it solely to cancer cells. We should know in a few years’ time if it works.” If it does, traditional Chinese medicine will have provided another successful lead for Western medicine.

More Than a Second Language

The history of Chinese medicine and its relationship with Western medicine are some of the topics of Marta Hanson’s work. Now an associate professor of the history of medicine, she first encountered Chinese medicine as a teenager in the late 1970s when she started studying Chinese in high school and took a course in acupuncture. Puzzled that her acupuncture teacher knew no Chinese, she set out to read Chinese medical texts in their original language. She now studies those original texts in their historical contexts to better understand their history on their own terms as well as interactions between Western and Chinese medicine. “To understand our present, we need to know where it came from,” she explains. “I study the history of Chinese medicine not to extract something clinically useful, but to learn how and why things change over time.”

Hanson says Western and Chinese medicine met in the early 1600s when Jesuit missionaries arrived in China and began translating Western distillation techniques and anatomy texts into Chinese. Over time, Western influence led to the formalization of Chinese medicine, arguably culminating in Chairman Mao’s creation of integrated academic and medical institutions, like the one where Tu did her Nobel work.

artemisia annuaArtemisia annua
Credit: USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913. Illustrated flora of the northern states and Canada. Vol. 3: 526.

Hanson calls researchers like Liu and Tu “medically bilingual.” “The two systems of medicine are often mutually incommensurable, so you have to know a lot more than just an extra language to be able to blend them together in a meaningful way,” she says.

According to Liu, even the meaning of “traditional Chinese medicine” is hotly debated, but it generally involves three components: herbal concoctions, acupuncture and the concept of “chi,” or vital “energy-matter.” Some call it nonsense because they claim that it has no grounding in quantitative science and randomized clinical trials, despite decades of scientific research on various aspects of its therapies. Others, like Hanson, claim it has not only historical value but also value as a treasure house of empirical knowledge—with caveats. “Chinese medical therapies wouldn’t be in demand around the world if they did not meet the needs of patients who either culturally feel more comfortable with them or are dissatisfied with what Western medicine is able to provide,” she says.

She thinks of traditional Chinese medicine as a mirror that reflects back to modern biomedicine not its full image in reverse, but its shortcomings. And the reverse can be said about modern biomedicine as a mirror on traditional Chinese medicine’s limitations. Namely, what biomedicine is good at—evidence-based medicine, targeted treatments, modern pharmaceuticals—traditional Chinese medicine has to work on; and what traditional Chinese medicine is good at—considering the whole patient, individualized treatment, natural remedies—modern biomedicine could work on. “I think we can learn from that mirror to better understand both systems and hopefully improve them in the process,” she says.

chart comparing chinese and western medicine


The following is a syndicated post that first appeared at http://circulatingnow.nlm.nih.gov/2015/12/03/wrapped-in-flesh-views-of-the-body-in-east-asian-medicine/ See the original post for the images from the NLM collection that accompany the article.

How do you assess the state of a broken bone when you can’t directly see it? Writing in 1808, Chinese doctor Qian Xiuchang discussed a problem shared by healers world-wide prior to the X-ray age: “When someone has a dislocated or fractured bone, the bone and joint are wrapped in flesh. Looking at it from the exterior, it is hard to get a clear understanding, and there is the danger of making an error.” To improve the state of bonesetting knowledge, Qian compiled Supplemented Essentials on Medicine for Injuries (Shangke buyao). That book can be found in the collection of the National Library of Medicine and is now accessible online.

An innovative feature of Qian’s text is that it includes two drawings of the human skeleton, shown from the front and the back. Chinese medical texts had long included written descriptions of the body’s “bones” (gu), a term that included individual bones as well as palpable bony landmarks. These were particularly important in acupuncture, where practitioners used them as reference points to locate the spots where needles could be inserted. Some acupuncture diagrams also outlined the positions of major bones. However, prior to the nineteenth century, Chinese texts on therapeutic medicine did not contain diagrams of the full skeleton. In 1742, when the Imperial Medical Academy compiled a textbook on bonesetting, the illustrations only indicated the position of bones by labels on the outside of human figures. In 1770, however, the Qing imperial government promulgated a set of official inquest forms in order to standardize forensic investigations on skeletal remains. It was these forensic diagrams of the skeleton that Qian Xiuchang borrowed and reproduced in his work on treating injuries, so that readers could more easily learn the forms of bones hidden beneath the skin.

Qian Xiuchang, a native of Shanghai, had received some degree of classical education and he had presumably once aspired to success in the civil service examinations that defined members of the Chinese socio-political elite. He became interested in injury medicine after he broke his leg. He apprenticed with the doctor who cured him and eventually became successful enough to attract disciples of his own. Seven of them helped to collate his Supplemented Essentials, which discussed a wide range of traumatic injuries caused by weapons, blows, and falls. It also featured a laudatory preface from Su Chang’a, a former Shanghai magistrate who became a supporter after Qian saved the life of a prisoner who had attempted suicide.

It was an era when the Chinese were critically re-evaluating received teachings, including those on medicine. At the time that Qian’s text was printed, another doctor, Hu Tingguang, was completing his own manuscript on injury medicine and also incorporated forensic diagrams of the skeleton. Both books sought to address the shortcomings of the imperial bonesetting manual. Besides using forensic medicine—and diagrams of the human skeleton—to improve their readers’ knowledge of the bones, they also incorporated forensic teachings on “mortal points,” namely spots on the body where injuries were particularly dangerous.

Qian’s Supplemented Essentials thus leads us to consider an understudied aspect of East Asian medical history: how doctors investigated and understood the body’s material structures and components. The present-day view is that “traditional Chinese medicine” is primarily interested in the body’s energies and vital functions and not in anatomy or body structures. Historically, however, that was not precisely the case. East Asian healers argued about how to define the parts of the body and their relation to health, injury, and disease, and like Qian Xiuchang, pursued different methods for improving their knowledge of the body: textual study and introspection, the dissection and observation of corpses, careful observation of healthy and diseased people.

These issues took center stage at an extraordinary workshop. Held October 2-4, 2015 at the University of Michigan, Comparative perspectives on body materiality and structure in the history of Sinitic and East Asian medicinesbrought together an international group of scholars (including historian Michael Sappol of the National Library of Medicine) to discuss medical portrayals and practices of the body, from the first century A.D. to the nineteenth, in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, the Mongol Empire, and Tibet.

The workshop explored a number of questions. How did different representations of the body co-exist with each other within a given cultural context? The anatomical images and descriptions in Tibetan medical treatises, for example, included those based on examination of corpses as well as those elaborating humoral and vitalistic beliefs and those metaphorically comparing the body’s components to a palace or to a kingdom’s rulers and ministers . Different body views were linked to different explanations for how and why illness afflicted the body, and to different therapeutic methods.

Competing images of the internal organs circulated in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, and were the subject of debates about how internal structures were connected to each other and to imagined centers of primordial vitality.

The conference also explored the status and value assigned to medical illustration compared to textual descriptions of the body, and how visual conventions from various realms of medicine influenced each other. In early nineteenth-century Japan, for example, both the bonesetting expert Kako Ryōgen (1810) and the surgeon Hanaoka Seishū (1760–1835) employed images in which the body’s flesh was transparent or invisible. Finally, the conference highlighted the historical importance of surgery, bone setting, and other manual therapies that required healers to physically manipulate the body’s components.

The rich diversity of presentations, the wealth of ideas and material, and the lively discussions that ensued, showed the creative vigor of contemporary scholarship on East Asian medicine, enormously facilitated by the increasing number of rare books and manuscripts that have been digitized by the National Library of Medicine and other libraries and made accessible online for researchers throughout the world.

Is the 2015 Nobel Prize a turning point for traditional Chinese medicine?

This is a syndicated post by Marta Hanson, reproduced here with permission of the author. It first appeared at https://theconversation.com/is-the-2015-nobel-prize-a-turning-point-for-traditional-chinese-medicine-48643 Continue reading Is the 2015 Nobel Prize a turning point for traditional Chinese medicine?

[NBN Episode] Volker Scheid and Hugh MacPherson, Integrating East Asian Medicine into Contemporary Healthcare

Syndicated from: http://newbooksinscitechsoc.com/2012/08/25/volker-scheid-and-hugh-macpherson-integrating-east-asian-medicine-into-contemporary-healthcare-churchill-livingstone-2011/ Continue reading [NBN Episode] Volker Scheid and Hugh MacPherson, Integrating East Asian Medicine into Contemporary Healthcare